CSR report and code of conduct
BEC’s most important social impact and focus is to support a secure, stable, resilient, and innovation-promoting financial infrastructure in Denmark – while doing this in a responsible way.
BEC is a central player in Denmark’s financial infrastructure and stability. A significant proportion of Danes and Danish companies have their main bank connection in one of the banks on BEC’s IT platform.
BEC delivers for example IT solutions that prevent money laundering, safeguard personal data, protect private investors, and provide better calculations of banks’ capital requirements to reduce the risk of future financial crises.
BEC’s annual CSR report provides an overview of the work with supporting this financial infrastructure. In addition, it provides an overview of our focus within environment and climate, societal matters and corporate governance – also known as the ESG agenda – and how we work with this concretely. This means everything from how we work on minimizing our environmental footprint, develop employees’ and leaders’ competences, diversity and inclusion, data ethics, risks and much more.
Happy reading.
CSR report (communication on progress)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2023 here (English)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2022 here (English)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2021 here (English)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2020 here (English)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2019 here (Danish)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2018 here (Danish)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2017 here (Danish)
Read BEC’s CSR report 2016 here (Danish)
Code of conduct
The code of conduct addresses the values and ethical guidelines pertaining to how we act towards each other and the outside world. Integrity is a key value here. BEC’s code of conduct is embedded in various policies that provide a framework for our everyday work. Read our code of conduct in its entirety here. To illustrate, here are some excerpts:
Partnership with the customer
BEC employees are key people in contact with our clients, and BEC employees have a special responsibility for creating a good partnership.
At BEC, we make each other better. There must be respect and understanding both for the community and for the individual. BEC does not accept discrimination based on, i.e., gender, ethnicity, sexuality, political observation, religion or age.
Personal conduct
BEC expects courtesy and respect to be accorded to colleagues and relations in BEC’s surroundings. BEC does not concern itself with BEC employees’ private circumstances, but they are expected to behave in a way that cannot harm BEC’s reputation.
BEC’s anticorruption policy helps ensure that BEC employees show discernment and only accept and give gifts that are of symbolic value.
Security and confidentiality
BEC protects confidential information, regardless of whether it comes from customers, suppliers, external partners or other departments.