Board of Directors
Meet the BEC Board of Directors
David Hellemann
Born 1970.
Chairman of BEC’s board of directors since 2020, member since 2016.
Group managing director of Nykredit A/S and managing director of Nykredit
Realkredit A/S.
Other directorships and offices:
Chairman of Kalvebod Ejendomme I A/S and Kirstinehøj 17 A/S. Vice chairman of JN Data A/S and Totalkredit A/S. Board member of CBS Executive Fonden, Landsdækkende Banker and Nykredit Bank A/S.
MSc in Political Science.
John Lundsgaard
Born 1964.
Vice chairman of BEC’s board of directors since 2022, member since 2015.
Managing director at Spar Nord Bank A/S.
Other directorships and offices:
Chairman of Factor Insurance Brokers A/S. Vice chairman of Aktieselskabet Skelagervej 15, BOKIS A/S and Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter. Board member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Sparekassen Nordjyllands Fond af 29. marts 1976 and Utzon Center.
Bank education, MBA.
Martin Kviesgaard
Born 1966.
Board member of BEC since 2009.
CEO of GrønlandsBANKEN A/S.
Other directorships and offices:
Board member of Fugleværnsfonden. Member of the Economic Council for Greenland.
Bank education, executive programs at Insead and The Wharton School.
Jan Pedersen
Born 1964.
Board member of BEC since 2010.
CEO of Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S.
Other directorships and offices:
Vice chairman of Sparinvest Holdings SE and Opendo A/S. Board member of Fonden for Andelskasserne i område Nord and Fonden for Andelskasserne i område Syd. Chairman and CEO of Villa Prisme Komplementaranpartsselskab.
MSc in Marketing Economics, Diploma in Business Excellence (DBE) and executive programs at Columbia Business School and Insead
Simon Sinding Jørgensen
Born 1973.
Board member in BEC since 2022.
Deputy director in Arbejdernes Landsbank A/S.
Other directorships and offices:
Board member in AL Finans A/S, TestaViva DK Aps, Userstribe A/S, and Ejendomsselskabet Sluseholmen A/S.
MSc in in Economics and Business Administration, HD in strategic management and executive program at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Charlotte Skovgaard
Born 1972.
Board member in BEC since 2022.
CEO in Merkur Andelskasse.
Other directorships and offices:
Board member in Tænketanken Demokratisk Erhverv.
Bank education, HD in information and finance management, management program, IMD and board education, Probana Business School.
Jacob Bjørn Holm
Born 1979.
Employee representative in the BEC Board of Directors since 2021.
Business analyst in BEC.
Other directorships and offices:
Chairman of Allerslev Vandværk A.m.b.a.
MSc in Applied Mathematics.