BEC and Festina Finance enter partnership on advanced credit solution
Through yet another fintech partnership, BEC banks now get further automation built into their credit assessments.
BEC and Festina Finance enter partnership on advanced credit solution
Through yet another fintech partnership, BEC banks now get further automation built into their credit assessments.

BEC enters new fintech partnership on trade finance
BEC has entered a strategic partnership with Swiss fintech companies MITech and Komgo to integrate their new, joint trade finance solution, Konsole+, into BEC’s full-service platform for business banking.
BEC enters new fintech partnership on trade finance
BEC has entered a strategic partnership with Swiss fintech companies MITech and Komgo to integrate their new, joint trade finance solution, Konsole+, into BEC’s full-service platform for business banking.
Every day I go to work, I discover new aspects of BEC’s specialized knowledge and complexity.
Birgitte Kryger Rasmussen
People Insights Manager

My implementation support must be relevant and targeted for the BEC banks to realize the intended benefits of our solutions.
Birgitte Klausen
Implementations Consultant

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BEC Financial Technologies a.m.b.a.
Havsteensvej 4
DK-4000 Roskilde
46 38 24 00
CVR/VAT DK13088810
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