BEC and JN Data expand large cooperation on IT operations
BEC is gathering even more operational tasks at JN Data to sharpen its focus on delivering new financial technology and to strengthen IT operations in BEC and JN Data.
BEC Financial Technologies is now expanding its extensive collaboration with the IT operating company JN Data, which is responsible for the IT infrastructure in more than half of the financial sector. BEC supplies IT to several banks that service every fourth Danish bank customer.
“We want to be a simpler IT supplier and focus on being the very best at development and integration of market-leading IT solutions for Danish banks. At the same time, we want to strengthen the operations of our customers’ IT solutions by giving our close partner JN Data even more volume to optimize rock-solid IT operations,” says Jesper Nielsen, CEO of BEC and member of JN Data’s Board of Directors.
From January 1, 2024, BEC is therefore handing over several areas of responsibility to JN Data, including operational tasks in BEC’s mainframe environments, ITSM platforms, infrastructure, and identity management.
Extending a long and close partnership
BEC is a co-owner of JN Data, which has handled a large part of the IT operations for BEC’s customers since 2010 when 187 BEC employees moved to JN Data. On January 1, 2024, a further 71 IT specialists and managers will move from BEC to JN Data.
“We are proud that we are now entrusted with an even closer collaboration. We have a strong professional environment for secure, compliant, and stable IT operations, and we look forward to welcoming a lot of new specialists who are passionate about the same professionalism as us,” says Søren Lindgaard, who is CEO of JN Data.
“In reality we receive employees and managers who we already know and work with today. Now we are looking forward to working even closer together in joint teams, and in that way, it will be fantastic to have them on board in JN Data,” says Søren Lindgaard.
BEC would like to see even more cooperation in the financial sector for greater economies of scale and stronger IT operations:
“JN Data and BEC are expanding the already close collaboration with new services in JN Data, and together we will also investigate further potential. At BEC, we also see opportunities for further collaboration in the JN Data community,” says Jesper Nielsen, BEC.